welcome to The Town of bradford
Rock County, WIsconsin
February Primary will be held on February 18th, 2025.
Please note that due to the primary being held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month our regularly scheduled monthly meeting will be pushed back til February 25th 2025 at 6:30 pm.
March Meeting: March 18th, 2025 at 6:30pm
April Election: April 1st
April Meeting: April 22
2024-2025 Tax Information
PAYING BY MAIL: Return the top portion, your check, bank draft, or money order made out to TOWN OF BRADFORD to Town of Bradford Treasurer Jill Bier, 2136 S Trescher Rd., Avalon WI 53505. The 1st installment must be paid to the Town, the county will not accept any tax payments for the 1st installment. The 2nd installment is paid to the County. The Town cannot accept credit cards or online payments. If you are requesting a receipt, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment.
PAYING IN PERSON: Bring your tax bill with you.
AT MY HOME-JILL BIER- 2136 S. Trescher Rd., Avalon, WI
Collection Dates and Times are as follows:
Thursday December 19th, 2024 9:00AM-5:00PM
Monday December 30th, 2024 9:00AM-5:00PM
Monday January 27th, 2025 9:00AM-5:00PM
Or by appointment-call Jill at 608-751-0313
DOG LICENSES: Due January 31st, 2025-ALL DOGS MUST BE LICENSED YEARLY. $15.00 for male or female dogs-$10.00 for a neutered or spayed dog. Please return your dog application and certificate of vaccination to me to receive your 2025 dog tag. State and County law requires all dogs in the Town of Bradford to have Rabies Vaccinations dog license tags. No license shall be issued for any dog over the age of five months without a certificate of rabies vaccination. A certificate of Vaccination that a licensed veterinarian has inoculated the dog for rabies must be provided with the application.
THE WISCONSIN LOTTERY GAMING CREDIT: If on January 1st, 2024 you were an owner of property in the Town of Bradford and you used that property as your primary residence, (a primary residence is defined as the home where an individual lives more than 6 months of the year), you may claim the lottery credit. If the credit does not appear on your tax bill, please notify me so I can send out the lottery and gaming application for you to sign and return to me so the credit can be applied. The State of Wisconsin does not allow for multiple lottery credits. The State does audit the lottery credits.
Jill Bier
Town of Bradford Treasurer
2136 S Trescher Rd.,
Avalon, WI 53505
Please note that due to the primary being held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month our regularly scheduled monthly meeting will be pushed back til February 25th 2025 at 6:30 pm.
March Meeting: March 18th, 2025 at 6:30pm
April Election: April 1st
April Meeting: April 22
2024-2025 Tax Information
PAYING BY MAIL: Return the top portion, your check, bank draft, or money order made out to TOWN OF BRADFORD to Town of Bradford Treasurer Jill Bier, 2136 S Trescher Rd., Avalon WI 53505. The 1st installment must be paid to the Town, the county will not accept any tax payments for the 1st installment. The 2nd installment is paid to the County. The Town cannot accept credit cards or online payments. If you are requesting a receipt, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment.
PAYING IN PERSON: Bring your tax bill with you.
AT MY HOME-JILL BIER- 2136 S. Trescher Rd., Avalon, WI
Collection Dates and Times are as follows:
Thursday December 19th, 2024 9:00AM-5:00PM
Monday December 30th, 2024 9:00AM-5:00PM
Monday January 27th, 2025 9:00AM-5:00PM
Or by appointment-call Jill at 608-751-0313
DOG LICENSES: Due January 31st, 2025-ALL DOGS MUST BE LICENSED YEARLY. $15.00 for male or female dogs-$10.00 for a neutered or spayed dog. Please return your dog application and certificate of vaccination to me to receive your 2025 dog tag. State and County law requires all dogs in the Town of Bradford to have Rabies Vaccinations dog license tags. No license shall be issued for any dog over the age of five months without a certificate of rabies vaccination. A certificate of Vaccination that a licensed veterinarian has inoculated the dog for rabies must be provided with the application.
THE WISCONSIN LOTTERY GAMING CREDIT: If on January 1st, 2024 you were an owner of property in the Town of Bradford and you used that property as your primary residence, (a primary residence is defined as the home where an individual lives more than 6 months of the year), you may claim the lottery credit. If the credit does not appear on your tax bill, please notify me so I can send out the lottery and gaming application for you to sign and return to me so the credit can be applied. The State of Wisconsin does not allow for multiple lottery credits. The State does audit the lottery credits.
Jill Bier
Town of Bradford Treasurer
2136 S Trescher Rd.,
Avalon, WI 53505
Town Board Meetings Held 3rd Tuesday of every month
6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 3622 S. Carvers Rock Rd. Avalon, WI 53505
O'Riley Bridge is closed until further notice

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